Sober News for Nice Folks
It’s true! We have only one life to live, so we should live it to the fullest! But the Bible says that after our precious life is over, all people will face the judgment of God! Does that concern you? Perhaps it should! Consider this:
Life’s Purpose. People were never designed to live apart from God. You were created by a loving God to know him, enjoy him, and bring him glory with your life! BUT….
Minor Key. At birth you inherited a sin nature from your parents and naturally began to sin yourself. The Bible says sin causes spiritual death and separation from God. While our hearts are still beating, we can live disconnected from God and think that it’s no big deal. What most people don’t realize is that when they die, every single person will have to give account to the Almighty God for their life and answer for their sins! The Bible says the penalty for sin is eternal separation from God in the fires of hell!
Hell—Seriously? It’s an unpopular subject, but its reality is confirmed repeatedly in the Scriptures. Hell wasn’t created for people, but for the devil and his evil angels; yet all who disobey God will share in satan’s destiny. You may think, ‘How could a loving God send someone to hell? Isn’t that mean?’ Actually, God did all he could to save mankind from that destiny! John 3:16 shows us that God so loved the world that he sent his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life! Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins so you wouldn’t have to. Salvation is freely offered to all who will take it!
Um, but I’m really Nice…. No doubt you are. But you’re not sinless, and you still need a Savior! Apart from Christ, the Bible says you’re dead in your sins. Salvation isn’t about becoming nicer – it’s about a person dead in sin being made alive in Christ!
So what do I do? To receive the free gift of eternal life, you must believe that your sins were paid for when Jesus Christ died on the cross. Acknowledge your sinfulness to him, be remorseful, and receive God’s forgiveness and his righteousness. Make him the boss of your life and live (make all your decisions) to please him. Get to know Jesus thru prayer, reading the Bible, and going to church. Build relationships with other believers who will help you walk with God. If you have Q’s, talk to a pastor or leader today! Don’t wait – your eternal destiny may be at stake.
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